There are lot of rumors going around now concerning Tomorrowland in Disneyland, California. I've had various sources say that after the "Extreme Makeover" of DCA the Imagineers will focus on a redo of Tomorrowland. Since it's not been ten years since the last change to the land this has to be taken with a grain of salt.
But numerous sources, some of which have provided reliable information before have informed me that a major facelift is planned if the new Nemo Submarine Ride is a success. There will be a new unknown E-ticket attraction as well an update of the "Star Tours" ride and a new people mover system will be the first of the projects to get the go if the greenlight is given.
The E-ticket is still in the Blue Sky phase of development but one such proposal is the Wall-E Pixar film taking over the area Innoventions now occupies. All this would start in late 2008/early 2009 and continue on into 2011 or 2012.
We'll keep you informed as more information comes in...
1 comment:
Tell everyone davetruehope is coming to america to share is story of hope. I honestly want to tell you stars your not alone becouse god is real and faith pays off!.Please spread the truehope messege im coming and i hot and ready to show how the truehope can open your eyes in faith. Showbiz tonight im watching you and all im thinking in my head i mean in my heart even better i am going to make you stars smile. Its a truehope promise to know that stars can change becouse the twinkle i mean he light is the truehope that is inside you. Its called you weekness is your strength you heart your soul is worth more then any money that you make. In strong faith i want to help the truehope open the stars eyes!. Becouse a little truehope opened my eyes and i feel alive ALIVE! MY SPIRIT IS ALIVE WITH THE PASSION IN MY EYES TO CHANGE THE WORLD AND BE SOMEBODY.I hope you check out my story it will yes! blow you away and it might just open your eyes and hearts to care. Have a truehope successful day hollytruewood truehope to change the hearts of actors support be true be free we the peaple!
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