Brooks Barnes has a great article about the transformation of The Disney Store that is about to take place...
From the article you can tell the steady influence of Steve Jobs on the plans for this ambitious overhall of the retail chain. I can't wait to see what it'll look like; those that have seen it are very, very impressed.
I'm trying to picture what Disney's version of the Genius Bar is going to be...
Have you ever thought about collecting all these clever images that you make every day into a show or a book?
There must be hundreds to choose from by now.
No, actually I haven't...
But thanks. ;)
bwahahahahaha! Classic.
that's a great direction they are headed
disney stores have really lost their touch lately
I hope this project brings new life to the whole thing
Images: Hunter, I agree with nonny mouse, a collection would be cool. You do a great job with them.
Stores: I agree with Mr. Tobin
“These are going to be true destinations.” I remember when Disney Stores came out it was the place to be, now I avoid them because they are so In-your-face not En-ter-tain-ing. If I took my kids into the new stores they would want to stay forever and I am sure my wallet would end up lighter. Entertain me and my kids with Magic and I will pay for it.
Yes Honor, please make a book of images so that your blog will be sued out of existence because of copyright infringment.
Quote: "Yes Honor, please make a book of images so that your blog will be sued out of existence because of copyright infringment."
Haha, isn't jealousy the biggest compliment you can get? ;-)
Disney Stores is going back to what it used to be before it lost business from bad movies and then an ill-advised transformation to be more "Gap" Store-like in appearance. However, becoming like Apple is a big change.
Well the fact that Honor steals most of his images from other websites and photoshops them to his liking would prevent him from publishing them due to copyright laws. So far it hasn't seemed to be a legal issue as a non-sanctioned blog but Honor should at least credit his sources should issues of their legal ownership arise.
So the Disney store is going to have a Fairy Bar? How gay.
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