Ok, many of you wanted to know this and now you shall...
I promised my Bothans that I wouldn't reveal much about the Marvel project that Walt Disney Animation Studios was working on, that I would only allude to it until something else broke about it. Well, now a website has let the cat out of the bag. Remember that I mentioned that the property would be unlike anything the Mouse had done before? I also mentioned to some that inquired about it, that Marvel owns 4000+ characters and everyone was thinking it was an animated "Iron Man" or "X-Men" or even "Power Pack." Well, it's not. It's not one of the top 100 or 200 characters even. The actual title is much more obscure than most people know. In fact, most comic book fans will not even know the title, or most of the characters. So, what is the title/characters that Disney is adapting into an animated film?
Big Hero 6.
What??? Yes, I know. It's not exactly a top title that many would remember. There have been, I believe, two series runs of this group and neither were very well known. If you want to know more about the characters then click on the link and read up. You may be seeing them in the near future. And if you want to know how soon? Well, after "Wreck-It Ralph" this year, next year is the Snow Queen adaptation, "Frozen" for 2013, but the slot that is set for 2014 has been put aside for Don Hall's project. Don Hall is the director of "Big Hero 6." In fact, he's the one that pitched the idea to Lasseter, who liked his take on the subject and approved it for development. Now, it's not fully green lit. The project is story boarded and has been deemed strong enough to tentatively put in the production line. So, if the story and script work out then you can expect this project to be the FIRST DISNEY ANIMATED MARVEL FILM.
And there you have it...
Dang, I was hoping for Power Pack.
so i guess King of the Elves has been shelved again?
Who cares. What about the rumored Mickey Mouse movie?
Worst idea ever. WDAS should not be doing Marvel but if they are gonna do it at least pick something good.
R u sure about that. Big 6 is different then Guardian of the Galaxy that's been reported as Disney Marvel intro into animation. Those properties are different things, plus a lot of domain got register for Guardian of Galaxy. Big 6 sounds off key from the Marvel playbook for Avg 2 next story.
Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be a live-action film in (probably) the next wave of Marvel films pre-Avengers 2. Big 6 is indeed going to be the animated film.
That is horrible, I feel like crying. I´m not joking, I´m absolutely devastated, it´s s a shock...
One of the Anonymous comments stated, "but if they are gonna do it at least pick something good." I would bet buckets of money that none of the Anonymous commentators have read Big 6 and certainly none of them are familiar with Don Hall's story approach. The unwillingness of Disney "fans" to try something different drives me crazy.
Michael (a different one),
I agree with you. If Don had not been so passionate with his pitch, then Lasseter wouldn't have approved it. From all I've heard, it is different, but it is good.
People should read one of the issues before they make up their minds. Particularly, the newest series.
I'm just saying...
That is horrible, I feel like crying. I´m not joking, I´m absolutely devastated, it´s s a shock...
I'll never understand comments like this one. It's just a movie.
Having said that, I think this property has real potential to bust the boundaries of what we consider to be "Disney Animation." And that's a good thing in my book.
...as if making yet another superhero marvel movie was "trying something different." It seems like the only way to get an animated film approved at Disney, one must appeal to John Lasseter's obsessive boy geek tastes. This news is sad.
Wow, can't believe people upset about this. I for one am glad they chose a obscure team such as Big Hero 6! I feel this can appeal to pretty much anyone not just Marvel fans. I can see it now :)
I just hope Sunfire and Silver Samurai can be in it, as it would add some already well established characters. :) Either way, I am so excited for this project! :D
It seems like the only way to get an animated film approved at Disney, one must appeal to John Lasseter's obsessive boy geek tastes. This news is sad.
The same Lasseter that greenlit two princess movies, a Winnie the Pooh movie and a new fairy tale movie coming out next year?
Do you think this might be WDAS's first PG-13 film (unless, of course, the rumors I've been hearing about Wreck-it Ralph being PG-13 are true)?
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